Monday, 18 April 2016

Bisola Akinyemi - Improve Your HR Skills

Bisola Akinyemi has been actively trying to improve his Human Resources abilities ever since he got started in the field. That is because he knows that to be successful in any discipline you can’t be complacent. It is important to always keep learning and growing, no matter the field. Below is a list of a few ways that you can improve your own HR skills and wow others in the office:

Get Some Mentors. Having a good set of mentors is one of the best ways to learn quickly. A study by the University of Virginia and Harvard found that people with three or more mentors are more likely to get promoted than those with less than three.

Search for Quality. If you are an HR leader, don’t just hire the least expensive candidate. Look for a good value that balances quality with cost. It will pay off in the end.

Avoid Turnover. Losing one of your best performers can be far more devastating than you think. A good HR leader wants to give incentive to top performers to stick around, no matter the costs.

Get Involved. Publishing an article on the discipline of HR can help establish a strong reputation as well as help you learn more about the field.

Bisola Akinyemi has been doing his best to improve his HR abilities since he began working in the field. He has learned that the difference between a good and bad Human Resources leader is all about the effort you put forth.